Il Blog del Della (2005 – 2010)

Libertà di espressione e collaborazione, dall'Open Source al Social Networking. Pensieri e informazione da Daniele Dellafiore.

Archivi Mensili: gennaio 2010

Web Trend 2010

I almost always waste chances to write my thoughts and visions about the Web and the future of Information Technology universe. From now on, I will talk without inhibition, at the risk to say nonsense. It is inevitable, so let's go.

Here we are, 2010 trend. I read a lot of bad ones. I throw my as well. Well actually I had this idea in middle of 2009 and in fact is already happening, is actually an old prediction.

To the point: the Main Trend of 2010 will be "local based/aware social applications". Is not just about geo-location everywhere, is that social app will attack local markets in new way, is a step for getting reconnected with the offline world, in the neverending convergence between the IT universe in large and the rest of the world.

Has something to do with Brightkite and Foursquare, for example, even if they "toys" for now. Local news, for example, will gain a lot of momentum. The great work US and UK government are doing about opening government and public administration data will launch lots of opportunities [1]. The widely adoption of powerful mobile devices will make easy for people to use and search local services where they are (yelp, google near me now…) and very few are now taking advantage of the possibilities of such systems.

Instead I do not think that, for example, "traditional" Social Shopping or Events application will gain many relevance this year. There are a lot of them but no one ever satisfied me.
The reason is mainly related to the lack of interoperability that the Web at large still suffer [2]. Data portability [3] will emerge as the primary industry need during this year and I think, and hope, that first good result will arrive in 2011, also as a consequence of the local base app trend. Cross network authentication (OpenID and oAuth) have been widely accepted and adopted in 2009, finally. This is just the beginning and the consequence of the great need to put end to the growing number of online service. Serious data portability and service interoperability is the next step.

I spoke 🙂

Next days I will talk about the "non friendly social network", the second main 2010 trend related to the way we will use social applications, I give a little roundup about new services  and finally the long awaited article (for me to write, I started last May): the "ask the fucking Twitter" emergence. Stay tuned and tell me what you think about my… ok, delirious 🙂

[1] UK and US
[2] It's like 1973 for Moving Data Around in the Cloud
[3] Data Portability opened in late 2007 and during 2008 the most important software company did join. A lot of work still to do.

Google will you please…

Ok, Google is not working fine anymore since at leat a year. It is still the best tool for historical and consolidated research (well, you could just go for Wikipedia, sometimes…), but it is becoming always harder to find “up to date” content. As for now, I rely on twitter and feeds for the most. And I almost say “oh god” when I need to google something recent.

Read the whole article at No Stop